As LAT turns five, we are taking time to review the key things God has evidently spoken to us this year, so that we stay devoted to Him. This week we shall remind ourselves that Jesus is the reason we exist as a Church.

In March this year, I felt we needed to review the fact that pleasing Jesus is all we are about. I therefore started preparing a sermon entitled “Revisiting Our Christ-centric Vision”, using the scripture “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). That night, I had this dream which confirmed that I was to preach that very message:

I was a teacher in a school. I was simultaneously teaching different students who were in different classrooms. I would speak a word or phrase to students in one room, then run to other classes and tell them the same thing. I would then run back to the first class and pick up the sentence from where I left off; then again run to the other classes and tell them the same thing. Basically, all the classes had to receive my lesson at exactly the same time. Some of the students were older than others, while some were newcomers. Towards the end of the dream, I recognized that the topic of the lesson was: Where there is no vision, the people perish. Then I awoke.

God was definitely communicating that we all needed to be on the same page regarding our vision – we exist because of and for Jesus. That is why we should never do anything that is neither from nor for Him. We must strive to do only that which our Master commands, and aim to please Him as we do so.

Now, let me give you more evidence that God was so interested in us revisiting our Christ-centric vision. After that Sunday, I started preparing for ‘part two’ of the sermon that I would call “Jesus At The Centre”. To my surprise, that Thursday, Carol Busingye who had no idea of my preparations, dreamt that she was preaching a message with exactly the same title! By this, God was emphasizing that the matter of having Jesus as our one and only purpose was of major importance. Here is Carol’s dream:

I was at church, it was a much (muuuuuuuch) bigger congregation. I wasn’t the preacher for the day but the person leading the service called on me to preach. I wasn’t prepared, obviously, and as I walked to the pulpit, Pastor Moses asked me if I was okay, if I could handle... he could do the preaching if I couldn’t handle. I said I was fine and would do it. I started to preach, and I would move up and down the corridors of the congregation to make sure everybody hears me and I hear them too. It was relaxed. It was more like a workshop/teaching environment than a "formal preaching" set up. During the preaching, I kept wondering if I was on the "mulamwa" that Pastor had wanted to preach that day or if I was off course. As the dream ended, I saw that the topic for the day was “Jesus”. It was broadcast on a small screen suspended above Pastor’s head, which hadn’t been there before. The message I shared was entitled “Jesus at the centre”; so I was relieved that the message wasn’t off. Then the dream ended.

I cannot emphasize enough the truth that God wanted to be established in all of us; everything about us must be because of and for the glory of Jesus. When we do that, we shall have fulfilled our purpose as a church, and we shall be a great success in heaven’s perspective.

God bless you.

PS: We are preparing for the anniversary service on Sunday 8th September with longer than usual praise and worship sessions during the Sunday and Thursday services. Please be involved in this. We must encounter Jesus again as we did at the last anniversary.