I recently felt, for a few seconds, anxious about a certain promise God gave me “many many” years ago.  No sooner had I started on that journey of doubt than God spoke to me from the book Angels on Assignment concerning His faithfulness.

If any of the promises God gave you has tarried, I want to encourage you that He who promised is faithful. And just as the Lord spoke to me from Angels on Assignment, I believe that He will speak to you likewise. Therefore, I have decided to write a few excerpts from that book concerning God’s intention to bring to fulfilment everything He ever promised you.

  1. “Let Me take care of My own business! What I have promised is My business, and I will take care of it. I have not failed in all of this time. Not even one of My words has failed in all of My good promises.”
  2. One of the reasons I get excited about this is that when God says something, we don’t have to follow Him around and keep reminding Him, nudging Him, and saying, “God, I have to keep an eye on You to make sure that You do the things You said You would.” God had to remind me several times, “You tend to your business, and I’ll tend to Mine."
  3. Another of the many beautiful truths God gave me through the mouth of the angel Gabriel was that everything God has promised is already completed as far as God's book in heaven is concerned. This statement was very difficult for me to understand, so Gabriel took a pencil which I held in my hand, and drew a rough sketch of the picture frame. . . Everything God has promised is completed in this picture. But, he said, “Here is tiny little spot representing things unclear to you – things not yet complete. You often spend your time looking at these things until the tiny spot expands outward and fills the frame, and totally hides what God has done. If you look to Jesus instead of the problem, you will see the complete picture. In Is. 43:2 the Lord said, “When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you.” If you look at the waters of trouble, it will hide the picture, but if you look to Jesus, that little piece that looks so ominous to you has to shrink back into place and then you will see the whole picture complete with everything that God promised.

God bless you.