On the Sundays of 31st March (Resurrection Sunday), and 7th April 2024, we talked about God’s ability and willingness to resurrect promises in our lives that died, and those which are seemingly dead. I sense that this is a very important issue that needs to be revisited and emphasized.

While communing with God in prayer yesterday afternoon, for the first time in close to a year I felt the unction to pray about a very important promise which God first gave me in 2017 in my dreams and those of other people. He reiterated this promise in 2018, and then went silent (according to me). This personal promise that is known by almost all of you has great implications for our church. For a long time now, even during this season of PUSH, I haven’t been able to pray about it because I felt the Lord had put a pause on it until the “fullness of the time” (Galatians 4:4).

But yesterday, my heart was reawakened to that promise, and I felt the time had come for God and I to talk about it again. I pulled out all the dreams (mine and of other dreamers) in which God gave and reiterated that promise, and I read them. The dreams came alive again; I could feel the joy I experienced when those dreams first came. It is then that I remembered the 31st March and 7th April 2024 sermons about “resurrection”. And I sensed that the fulfilment of that promise, which will be a great blessing to our church and other Christians, is now just around the corner. Indeed God gives life to the ‘dead’ (Romans 4:17). Hallelujah!

Therefore, I encourage you not to write off anything that God spoke to you about but it seemingly died. If something died, God can bring it back to life. Talk to Him about it until He says something about it. And realize that some things didn’t even die. Their time was “in years to come”. And this could be the time. Continue PUSH-ing.

God bless you.